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Conditions for Obtaining Permanent Residency in Türkiye “lifelong residency”

01/12/2023 Turkish Citizenship 2092 Conditions for Obtaining Permanent Residency in Türkiye “lifelong residency”

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 Obtaining a residence permit in Turkey requires an expert and consultant who will guide you to the conditions that must be followed to obtain it. Permanent residency in Turkey  is completely independent of all other residencies in Turkey. Why, I wonder? Because permanent residency gives you absolutely all the rights that a Turkish citizen gets!! Except for the right to nominate, elect, and apply for public office. 

How can I obtain permanent residency in Turkey ? This is what we will talk about in our article today. We will start with you with a simple overview of the types of residency in Turkey and permanent residency in particular, as well as the conditions and papers required to obtain it, and finally the cost and the advantages that a permanent residency holder enjoys. 

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What are the types of residence in Türkiye? 
  • Tourist residency in Turkey: It is a short-term residency that is renewed every year or two, depending on the period granted to it
  • Work residency in Turkey: It is granted to owners of companies or employees in factories and companies, and it is possible to apply for Turkish citizenship based on it after renewal for a period of five consecutive years. 
  • Student residency in Turkey: It is granted to students in Turkish schools and universities and is renewed every one or two years depending on the period granted. 

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  • Humanitarian Residency in Turkey: It is granted to people who are unable to remain in their country due to security problems, deportation, or…
  • Family residency in Turkey: Turkish citizens grant it to their foreign spouses of other nationalities, and Turkish citizenship can be applied for through it after three consecutive years of marriage. 
  • Investment residency in Turkey: It is a residency granted to anyone who bought a property worth $250,000, or via a bank deposit of $500,000, and it is for a temporary period until the naturalization decision is issued for the people applying for it. 
  • Permanent residency in Turkey: This is what we will talk about today in detail. What does permanent residency in Turkey mean?

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What does permanent residency in Türkiye mean? 

  • Permanent residency in Turkey is granted to people who wish to reside long-term in Turkey and have lived there for a period of no less than 8 consecutive years, and it is one of the best types of residency for long-term residents of Turkey. 
  • Permanent residency in Turkey began to be granted by the Turkish government based on a decision issued at the beginning of 2017, and it has facilitated the affairs of many foreigners who have been present for a long time on Turkish soil, especially in light of some of the complications that require official papers such as Turkish identity. 

9 conditions for permanent residence in Türkiye: What are they???

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  • First: The resident must complete eight consecutive years in a legal manner. “Residency is 8 years without residency, which he is not entitled to obtain.”
  • Second: The applicant must not receive any social assistance, specifically in the last three years
  • Third: The applicant must have a moderate income that is sufficient to secure the family’s needs on a regular basis
  • Fourth: The applicant must have health insurance that has been valid for eight years or more

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  • Fifth: The applicant must not be a problem holder or a threat to public security 
  • Sixth: The applicant must be a holder of one of the other residencies when applying: “tourist - student residency and...” 
  • Seventh: If the applicant holds a student residency, only four years are counted. As for the rest of the residencies, the period is full
  • Eighth: Refugees or those with humanitarian residency cannot apply for permanent residency 
  • Ninth: Children under eighteen years of age must have the guardian’s approval when applying

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What are the documents required when applying for permanent residency in Türkiye? 

  • A photocopy of a valid passport
  • A photocopy of the residence permit held by the applicant before applying “tourist - student residence and...”
  • 4 personal photos with biometric standards

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  • Valid health insurance for the applicant 
  • Providing proof of not receiving any social assistance from organizations or the like
  • A financial statement showing that the applicant has the ability to support himself and his family
  • A non-judgmental document issued from the electronic portal

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  • Confirming the residential address through a rental contract certified by a notary or a civil registry document proving the applicant’s place of residence 
  • A residence permit to be applied for through the General Immigration Department portal

How much does permanent residency in Turkey cost ?

  • There are no fixed numbers about the cost of permanent residency in Turkey, especially depending on the nationalities of applicants, in addition to the change in dues at the beginning of each new year in light of the change in rates and numbers for taxes in general based on inflation rates in Turkey. So how will I know the cost? 

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  • At the beginning of 2022, the current costs are as follows:
  • There is a fixed tax this year, which is the tax on obtaining a residence card, and its value is 160 Turkish liras 
  • Health insurance is issued through private insurance companies and ranges from 500 to 2000 liras depending on age
  • There are other taxes that may arise from permanent residence in Turkey, which are known when submitting the application, such as “visa allowance...”

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What are the most important advantages of permanent residency in Türkiye? 

  • First: The holder of permanent residency has the right to obtain a residence permit that does not expire and is never indefinite
  • Second: The holder of permanent residency in Turkey is exempted from performing military service 
  • Fourth: The holder of permanent residency obtains most of the rights that a Turkish citizen fully enjoys, except for the right to vote, run for office, or apply for public office. There is another point: he is unable to import cars from outside Turkey.  

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  • Fifth: Holders of permanent residency in Turkey can use health insurance in Turkish hospitals 
  • Sixth: A very important point is that a residency holder can own real estate in Turkey just like a Turkish citizen
  • Seventh: The holder of permanent residency in Turkey can establish personal or joint-stock companies, etc
  • Children with permanent residency are entitled to attend free schools in Türkiye. 

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  • Note: Permanent residency in Turkey is canceled if the holder has left the borders of Turkey for more than one year without interruption, of course, with the exception of some health conditions, education, and compulsory public service in the country of its original nationality. 

What are the cases in which permanent residency in Türkiye is rejected or cancelled? 

  • There are several reasons that may lead to permanent residency in Turkey being rejected or invalidated after obtaining it, as follows:
  • First, if the applicant poses a threat to national security in Türkiye

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  • Secondly, if the applicant has a bad human rights record from courts and crimes in the Turkish state
  • Thirdly, as we mentioned above, if the applicant has been out for more than a year and a half, the applicant’s permanent residency in Turkey will be invalidated

How long does it take to receive permanent residency in Türkiye? 

  • The period for receiving permanent residency in Turkey is similar to other residency permits. After submitting the file, the Immigration Department sends it to the Evaluation Department in Ankara, where the applicant’s case is studied and the required papers and the applicant’s record are checked. The minimum period is one month and the maximum is ninety days at most. Then the result will be rejection or acceptance.
  • If you are located in Turkish territory and are seeking to obtain permanent residency in Turkey, the content of this article is the answer to all the inquiries and questions that are on your mind, and if there are any other matters that are not present, you can contact us directly by clicking here.

Damas Turk Real Estate Company offers you a summary of its experience in Turkey regarding residence permits of all kinds and other legal consultations. We are also happy to provide free general consultation services about living in Turkey . Also, in light of our presence in the real estate market, we provide all services related to real estate matters in Turkey

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