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Types of Exceptional Turkish Citizenship 2024

17/12/2024 Turkish Citizenship 1357 Types of Exceptional Turkish Citizenship 2024

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  • What are the types of exceptional Turkish citizenship? One of the most frequently asked questions by our consulting team at Damas Turk Real Estate is: Why? Because Turkish citizenship has become a requirement for many citizens of neighboring nationalities of this great country that is constantly developing, especially since the Turkish passport is ranked thirty-eighth in the world and through it we can enter more than 124 countries in the world! 
  • Nowadays, there is no discussion on the minds of Arabs in Turkey today except how to obtain exceptional Turkish citizenship? Not only Arabs, but also a large number of citizens of countries in the Middle East and the world, such as Russia and Iran. So how can we obtain in-depth information about the exceptional Turkish nationality? 
  • Damas Turk Real Estate has dedicated an article to you that talks about the details of the Turkish Exceptional Citizenship from A to Z. In it, we will talk about the types of Turkish Exceptional Citizenship and how to obtain it, its advantages, the reasons for the demand to obtain it, the conditions and papers required in order to apply for it, follow us to Finally, discover all that and more. 

What are the types of exceptional Turkish citizenship 2024? 

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  • To this day, the methods provided by the government since the issuance of granting Turkish citizenship to foreigners remain the same with regard to the main decisions, but there are several updates and amendments that have occurred throughout these entire years, especially since the decision was approved since 2010, and was radically amended. In the years 2018 and 2022, it was necessary to have a detailed article explaining all the procedures related to this decision from the beginning until the present day.
  • Obtaining exceptional Turkish citizenship to this day is done through methods in which it can be obtained, and it is based on regulations and systems approved by the Turkish government for foreigners in order to obtain it, through the well-known naturalization law, which was launched in 2012 and has been amended and updated a lot, and here is the focus of our conversation. We will mention all the methods to you with the latest updates related to them.

First, obtaining exceptional Turkish citizenship through real estate investment

Obtaining exceptional Turkish citizenship through real estate investment is a double investment.. What does this mean? First, the applicant obtains Turkish citizenship, and secondly, he earns a profit of 30% of the total value of the property after at least 3 years, of course, if he chooses the appropriate area and property, and this requires very deep consultation and calculations, but what are the conditions for obtaining exceptional Turkish citizenship? Via real estate investment? 

  1. First, the value of the property or properties must be no less than 400,000 US dollars.
  2. Secondly, real estate must be seized for a period of three years and a pledge must be made not to sell under any circumstances, or citizenship will be withdrawn.
  3. Thirdly, you must purchase exclusively from a Turkish entity, whether it is a legal person or a company.
  4. Fourth, the value of the purchase amount in hard currencies is exchanged into the Turkish lira exclusively through the Central Bank of Turkey.
  5. Fifthly, the full value must be sent from the owner to the buyer via bank transfer.
  6. Sixth, only husband and wife with children under 18 years of age obtain Turkish citizenship as well.
  7. Seventh, the period for obtaining Turkish citizenship by purchasing a property in Turkey is between 90 and 120 days.

After we have learned about the conditions, we will come to the most important documents required to complete the process successfully, which are as follows:

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  • Translation of original passports and authentication by a notary public
  • A copy of the title deed “Tabu”.
  • Real estate evaluation document “DEĞERLEME RAPORU”.
  • Receipts of the purchase value from both parties.
  • Funds Disbursement Document “DÖVİZ ALIM BEGESİ”
  • 4 personal photos with biometric standards.

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  • Birth certificates translated and certified by the Foreign Ministry and the Notary Public
  • Family booklet if the applicant is married.
  • Citizenship application form “Form for data”.
  • This certificate of conformity is issued exclusively by the Land Registry Directorate.

Secondly, obtaining exceptional Turkish citizenship through a bank deposit 

Obtaining exceptional Turkish citizenship through a bank deposit is subject to the Naturalization Law that was issued in 2018, and the value was reduced to 500 thousand dollars after it was 2 million US dollars in 2012, that is, at the beginning of offering this incentive in Turkey. After the deposit, there are conditions that must be adhered to. It is as follows:

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  1. First, an amount of 500,000 US dollars must be deposited in a Turkish public or private bank.
  2. Secondly, this deposit must be reserved for a period of no less than three consecutive years.
  3. Thirdly, this value must be exchanged from hard currency into the Turkish lira through the Central Bank of Turkey.
  4. Fourthly, only the wife and children under 18 years old are granted Turkish citizenship with the depositor as well.

Obtaining exceptional Turkish citizenship through a bank deposit takes a period ranging from 90 days to 120 days in general circumstances and also according to the pressure on the Public Civil Service Directorate. 

Third, obtaining exceptional Turkish citizenship by establishing a company

Here we note that obtaining exceptional Turkish citizenship through establishing companies is not through establishing any public company only, but there are conditions that follow this method, and they must be adhered to literally, and it is another distinctive method for those who like to invest in Turkey and establish businesses and factories in it, and it is through Establishing a factory or business in Turkey includes the following conditions:

  • First, a factory or business must be established within Turkish territory, regardless of the company’s budget.
  • Secondly, all official and other documents must be extracted from the Chamber of Commerce in Turkey. 
  • Third, employing at least 50 Turkish citizen workers, and foreigners are not included in this number. 
  • Fourth, all employees must be registered for social insurance, retirement, and other official matters.
  • Obtaining exceptional Turkish citizenship by establishing a company takes place between 90 days and 120 days, which is the normal period that most exceptional forms of investment pass through to obtain Turkish citizenship. 

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Fourth, obtaining exceptional Turkish citizenship if there are Turkish origins

There is no doubt that there are those who possess Turkish identities for their grandfathers or fathers, or even property deeds and the like of Ottoman and other origins. This is due to the shared history between Arabs and Turks extending for more than 700 years. These people are certainly entitled to obtain exceptional Turkish citizenship, but after investigation. The following conditions:

  1. First, there must be proof of a document, identity, or Turkish or Ottoman origins, whatever they may be. 
  2. Secondly, we must investigate and search for it in the Ottoman archives and confirm its existence as well. 
  3. Thirdly, it is necessary to hire a lawyer in order to complete the application process and follow up on the application step by step.
  4. Fourthly, Turkish citizenship is granted to the extended family members, siblings, and others as well.
  • Obtaining exceptional Turkish citizenship if there are Turkish or Ottoman origins takes place over a period ranging from 6 months to two years, depending on the progress of the case in the Turkish administrative courts, and waiting for the result. This is normal because the cases in the Turkish courts are somewhat prolonged depending on the pressure and follow-up. 

Fifthly, obtaining exceptional Turkish citizenship through what is called work residency

Work residency is granted to people working in Turkish or foreign companies. There is no difference in that. This residency is granted through the Ministry of Social Affairs and Labor, and has nothing to do with the Turkish Immigration Department. It is granted every year and is also renewed sixty days before expiration. Let’s learn about it. Conditions for obtaining Turkish exceptional citizenship through work residency are as follows:

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  1. First, at least five consecutive years of renewal for the work residence permit in Turkey must be completed.
  2. Secondly, the period of stay outside Turkey during the entire five years must not exceed 6 months at most!
  3. Third, the work permit holder must be registered in social insurance records throughout the period of holding the residency.

Obtaining exceptional Turkish citizenship through work residency takes place over a period ranging from 6 months to two years, depending on the progress of the file, submission, preparation of papers, etc., due to going through all seven stages, some of which may take longer, unlike the case with naturalization files through major investments.

Sixth: Obtaining exceptional Turkish citizenship through marriage to persons of Turkish nationality

Obtaining exceptional Turkish citizenship through marriage means that a person marries an exclusively Turkish national, and it is possible that his origin is Turkish or naturalized. It makes no difference, the important thing is that he had a Turkish identity before marriage, and no marriage in Turkey between two foreigners entitles him to obtain a Turkish nationality certificate. Turkish passport, several conditions must be met, which we will mention to you:

  1. First, one of the parties to the marriage must be of Turkish origin or be naturalized and hold a Turkish identity.
  2. Secondly, the marriage must be for the purpose of establishing a family and not just for the sake of obtaining Turkish citizenship, for example! 
  3. Third, the foreign party within the marriage institution can apply for citizenship at least 3 years after the beginning of the marriage contract in its official form “in official marriage circles.”
  4. Fourthly, the foreign party must have an exclusively family residence permit that has been renewed for three consecutive years, otherwise it is not possible to apply to obtain a Turkish passport or citizenship.

Obtaining exceptional Turkish citizenship through marriage ranges from 6 months to two years depending on the progress of the file, application, preparation of papers, etc., due to going through all seven stages, some of which may be longer, unlike the case with naturalization files through major investments such as real estate investment, bank deposits, and establishing companies as well. .

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Seventh: Obtaining Turkish citizenship through exceptional methods 

The Exceptional Turkish Citizenship Law was issued in the fifth month of 2010, based on Article No. 12 of the Turkish Citizenship Law within Regulation 5901. This decision was approved by the Presidency of the Turkish Republic and approved directly by the Turkish President, and includes several major exceptions from which it emerged after... These are the amendments we have seen in recent years, the most important of which are the following:

First, the exceptional Turkish citizenship for foreign industry and economic leaders

  • Turkish citizenship is granted to everyone who has contributed to the development of Turkey in many fields such as industry, economy, etc. This is one of the privileges that the Turkish government offers to some foreigners and encourages them to innovate and employ it in the service of Turkey. Many of these people have obtained Turkish citizenship, such as the former astronaut Muhammad Fares, for example. . 

Secondly, exceptional Turkish citizenship through certain privileges

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  • Exceptional Turkish citizenship is also granted through certain privileges to people to whom the Turkish state saw a benefit from granting it. These reasons are specific to the Turkish government and its standards, and this cannot be predicted, but they are special privileges allocated to them by the Constitution in granting certain privileges to foreigners it deemed worthy of Turkish citizenship. 

Third, exceptional Turkish citizenship for immigrants from conflict countries

  • Turkish citizenship is granted to some immigrants from countries of conflicts and wars whom the state deems appropriate in its view, and this we currently see in many foreign individuals such as Syrians, Palestinians, Egyptians, etc., and many of these people have benefited from this citizenship and it has facilitated their affairs and facilitated their movement. Among the countries of the world.

Fourth, exceptional Turkish citizenship is granted directly by the President of the Republic

  • The President of the Republic has the right to grant Turkish citizenship based on his vision of people who he deems worthy of it, and it is specific to the presidency only, and we have seen several forms granted by the current President of Turkey, Recep Tayyip Erdogan, where he granted Turkish citizenship to several children, families, and people who he deemed worthy of obtaining it. on her. 

In all of these cases, exceptional Turkish citizenship is obtained through exceptional methods, the duration of which ranges from 3 months to 6 months, depending on the progress of the file, submission, preparation of papers, etc., and it is usually quick and smooth, but what we mentioned to you is the maximum period that may be long.

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What are the advantages of obtaining exceptional Turkish citizenship in 2024?

First and most prominent is obtaining a Turkish passport, in order to facilitate access and movement to most countries in the world, and this is what those who wish to obtain this citizenship suffer most from. This passport has several features and numbers of its own. Let us list them for you quickly, which are:

  • The strength of the Turkish passport 2023 is represented by the fact that the holder has the opportunity to enter 124 countries without a prior visa, 70 of which are without the need for a travel visa at all. 49 countries can be entered via a visa issued upon arrival, or as it is called " Visa on arrival"
  • As for the ranking of the Turkish passport 2023 based on global sources, the most important of which is the World Passports Index, the Turkish passport has ranked thirty-eighth in the world at the time of writing this article, after being two places behind what it was in 2022, and this means that the passport is making progress. Continuously and was not affected by any regional circumstances or problems.

Secondly, the applicant’s family can obtain exceptional Turkish citizenship with his children under the age of eighteen, through the methods we mentioned and the latest in 2023. This is a privilege that has value and weight in light of its absence in many other countries, which is not always granted to the entire family, but rather Depending on certain conditions.

Thirdly, obtaining all the rights and duties that a Turkish citizen enjoys, and here are the most prominent of them:

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  • Obtaining the right to security and safety under the care of the Turkish state.
  • Access to free health care and education in Turkish schools and universities.
  • The right to vote and run also for those who have acquired Turkish citizenship, unlike some other countries that prohibit this.
  • In general, what we mean by the rights of a Turkish citizen is everything that a foreigner is entitled to after acquiring Turkish citizenship, so all rights and duties apply to everyone who acquires Turkish citizenship.

Fourth, a valuable point that foreigners gain is that obtaining Turkish citizenship and not staying there never causes it to be withdrawn or removed, such as imposing house arrest for a limited period every period of time and another like some European countries, and here are now some additional points that the foreigner will enjoy after obtaining citizenship. Exceptional Turkish:

  • Enjoying the right to vote and run for office in the Turkish elections.
  • Obtaining the right to free education in Turkish schools.
  • The right to retain the citizenship enjoyed by the Turkish passport holder.
  • Obtaining the same full medical rights enjoyed by Turks.
  • Enhancing and facilitating global mobility through the passport.
  • The ease and smoothness of the program and obtaining the Turkish passport in terms of issuing and obtaining it.
  • The possibility of transferring it to future generations, passing it on to the family, and granting them the right to citizenship.
  • A high and distinguished standard of living in Turkey in light of the components that Turkey enjoys.
  • An easy gateway to enter the United States of America through the E-2 visa program - for investors from countries that have treaties with the United States of America.
  • Türkiye's strong relations with the European Union countries have developed well recently.
  • Türkiye has economic advantages that surpass major global countries.
  • Advanced educational systems in Türkiye and achieving self-sufficiency in this sector.
  • Expanding future opportunities in Turkey in light of the prosperity that Turkey enjoys. 

What are the reasons for the demand to obtain Turkish exceptional citizenship in 2024?

First: Türkiye’s strategic and exceptional geographical location

Turkey is known to be located in a center that connects the continents of Europe and Asia, specifically in the city of Istanbul, a strategic geographical location in which this great country is centered. It is even considered a transit station for most flights heading to Asia and coming from Europe and vice versa.

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The Bosphorus Strait and the Dardanelles Strait have also enhanced Turkey’s status and location, as it is the gateway to the Middle East. As for the climate there... it is one of the most beautiful and beloved climates in the world in summer and winter. It is adorned with snow and warm cold in the winter, and is refreshed by the humid climate in the summer. Buy A property in an area with a moderate climate means that the investment is in the right place 

Second: Türkiye’s economic strength and stability 

Turkey, during the past ten years, has proven to the whole world that it is one of the strongest economies in the world, despite its decline two places after the Corona pandemic. In 2018, the Turkish state ranked sixteenth strongest among the twenty most powerful economies in the world.

Today, after the repercussions that shook most of the countries of the world due to the Corona pandemic, Turkey has fallen to the nineteenth place in the world in the Group of Twenty, the strongest economically, but that did not prevent it from holding together and insisting on overcoming this crisis. So... buying real estate in economically strong Turkey means that the property is worth... Its value is comparable to the value of the country in which it is located

Third: The multiple incentives provided by the Turkish government to encourage purchasing and investing in real estate

The Turkish government always encourages investment and purchase of real estate there, by launching several packages that facilitate investment methods, the most prominent of which was the naturalization decision in 2018, which attracted a huge number of citizens of conflict countries in the Arab world to obtain Turkish citizenship through various investment methods, which are as follows:

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  • Purchasing one or more properties worth $400,000 and reserving them for three years 
  • The bank deposit is $500,000 and is seized for three years
  • Establishing a company and employing 50 Turkish workers with continuous payment of social insurance

Fourth: Elite Turkish construction companies and massive projects 

 Construction companies in Turkey have resonated with many countries in the world, and some of them have even established many huge projects outside the borders of Turkey, such as Nef International Company, which owns several projects in America, Britain, and Kazakhstan. Most construction companies rely on elegant, modern designs that are appropriate for the current era, while adding touches Also historical, the most important construction companies were:

  • Connaught and Toki government properties 
  • Captash 
  • Sur Yabi 
  • Sincerity, my dear
  • Artash Construction 
  • Dab yabby 
  • The famous Sinbaş

Fifth: Reasonable real estate prices and their diversity in Türkiye

Real estate prices in Turkey are considered somewhat cheap compared to European markets, at a rate of no less than 25%, in addition to the fact that the data may also differ. The components present in Istanbul, for example, may be impossible to find in European countries, and if they exist, the prices will be very high in those countries. 

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So... buying real estate in Turkey with the most beautiful preferences such as sea views, high-end services in the complexes, and proximity to city centers is definitely a successful real estate investment, and the value will rise permanently and continuously, and this is what we witnessed during our experiences with clients for whom we were able to be a bridge during the purchase process. Real estate and get exceptional and cheap prices. 

What are the conditions for obtaining general exceptional Turkish citizenship? 

Certainly, when applying to obtain Turkish exceptional citizenship according to the methods we mentioned previously and other exceptional methods, any foreign citizen must also fulfill basic requirements and conditions, which are: 

  1. First, the applicant’s criminal record is free of problems, felonies, and other crimes.
  2. Secondly, the person’s presence in Turkish territory does not pose any threat to Turkish national security.
  3. Third, reaching, enjoying and understanding the age of legal capacity.
  4. Fourth: The applicant’s intention to settle in or invest in Türkiye. 
  5. Fifth: Enjoying a good conduct and good character in general.
  6. Sixth: The applicant must be free of diseases that pose a threat to public health in Turkey.
  7. Seventh, speaking the Turkish language somewhat adequately is not a requirement, but rather familiarity in general.
  8. Eighth: Having a financial income or a fixed salary that supports the person and his family at least on average.
  • This was the last paragraph in our article today. We completed the task and presented to you everything that we have included that we will talk to you about in full and in detail. We talked about all types of exceptional Turkish citizenship 2023, and we touched on the conditions for each type, and then we devoted a special paragraph to you about the advantages and reasons for turning to Turkey. Turkey as well, and finally the general conditions that must be met by every person who wishes to apply in order to obtain exceptional Turkish citizenship. 
  • Obtaining exceptional Turkish citizenship through the methods we mentioned is linked to the advantages offered by the Turkish government, and as we witnessed from the hidden advantages that we presented today, and other advantages that we had mentioned in previous articles, all of these advantages confirm that obtaining Turkish citizenship is indeed a real and actual opportunity for everyone. He was interested in coming to Turkey, or was experiencing ease of movement between countries, etc. 
  • Damas Turk Real Estate is a company that offers you its distinguished services by choosing the best methods for you to obtain a Turkish passport and Turkish citizenship. Our team of lawyers also helps you in obtaining all the required papers and others. Leave the task to its people in the team of your best and professional company, “Damas Turk Real Estate” Padura. By contacting us immediately through the available means of communication. 


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