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The Turkish citizenship and passport: How to obtain them, passports types, and benefits

24/10/2022 Turkish Citizenship 738 The Turkish citizenship and passport: How to obtain them, passports types, and benefits

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Obtaining Turkish citizenship and a Turkish passport is an aim for many communities, the most significant of which are Arab communities, particularly inhabitants of internally conflicted countries. The reason of this is Turkey's security and political stability as well as the various benefits the Turkish passport enjoys, including visa-free travel to more than 113 countries and other characteristics we shall learn about in this article today.

The Turkish government has made it possible to get Turkish citizenship and a passport in a variety of ways. All of these practices, as well as the benefits of acquiring Turkish citizenship and passport, are detailed in this article that Damasturk Real Estate has developed for you. Stay with us through the conclusion of this article to learn useful facts that will aid you in your quest to obtain Turkish nationality.

A quick overview of Turkey

By connecting Asia and Europe through the city of Istanbul, the "capital of the globe," Turkey has acquired a special geopolitical position in the world. Turkey, which is rated twentieth globally, has one of the strongest economies in the world. The entire world travels to Turkey as a tourist destination in order to enjoy the cultural landscape of this beautiful, sophisticated, and well-integrated country. Turkey has a rich history that spans many centuries and includes people from across the world.

Through history, Turkey has always welcomed numerous Arab and foreign nations, and up to this date, Turkey continues to do so, as seen by the recent entry of Ukrainians and Russians, despite the ongoing hostilities and war between them. Turkey has implemented a number of measures to stimulate investment in a variety of sectors, especially Turkish citizenship by investment, to draw in foreign capital as part of its long-term goal to strengthen the international presence in its cities and entice foreign investment.

The most important advantages of gaining Turkish citizenship and passport

  • The Turkish passport now provides access to 113 countries throughout the world without the need for a visa or a straight visa upon arrival.
  • An important feature to highlight for foreigners is that obtaining Turkish citizenship and immediately leaving the country will never result in the withdrawal or revocation of the citizenship. Unlike the way in other European countries, Turkey does not require a person to stay in the country for a certain amount of time before allowing them to depart after granting citizenship.
  • Free education in Turkish schools and colleges is a right for everyone, including children.

The fundamental rights of Turkish nationals

  • Granting Turkish citizenship to the spouse and all minor children.
  • Obtaining the right to security and safety under the protection of the Turkish government.
  • Free health care and education are available in Turkish hospitals and health centers, as well as colleges and schools.
  • The right to vote and run for public office.
  • Generally speaking, a Turkish citizen's rights include everything that a foreigner is entitled to after obtaining Turkish citizenship; thus, all rights and obligations belong to everyone who has obtained Turkish citizenship as well as a Turkish citizen who is descended from Turks. 

Methods for obtaining Turkish citizenship and Turkish passport

A law passed at the end of 2018 established many key methods for any foreign citizen to obtain Turkish citizenship. There are requirements to meet and obligations to complete that may persist for many years, so you must thoroughly comply with the terms of these methods to guarantee that they are attained. These approaches are listed below.

Obtaining Turkish citizenship through marriage

Turkish nationality is acquired by marriage, which entails that the spouse must marry a Turkish citizen only. A number of requirements, however, must be fulfilled, the most significant of which are:

  • The marriage must involve at least one person of Turkish ancestry.
  • That the marriage should be entered into with the intention of starting a family rather than just to get Turkish citizenship.
  • After at least 3 years from the start of the marriage contract in its formal form, the foreign party in the marriage may apply for citizenship "in the official marriage departments."
  • The existence of a family residence permit that has been renewed for three years running.
  • The time it takes to earn Turkish citizenship in this way ranges from 6 months to a year or more.

Obtaining Turkish citizenship through real estate investment in Turkey

The majority of people from Arab countries and around the world have been interested in a unique method of obtaining Turkish citizenship by investment; all you have to do is buy a property in Turkey or multiple properties worth $400,000. However, there are a few prerequisites that must be met first.

  • The property or real estate has a value that is at least equal to $400,000 US.
  • Pledging not to sell the property or real estate during the three-year term that it is being acquired. 
  • After obtaining Turkish citizenship for the property's owner, the spouse and minor children are also entitled to enroll.
  • The process of becoming a Turkish citizen cannot take more than 90 days.

Obtaining Turkish nationality through government investment or bank deposit 

In addition, since 2018, a law has been passed permitting one to gain Turkish citizenship by bank deposit, and the sum has been cut from $2 million to $500,000. There are requirements that must be followed after depositing, including the following:

  • Make a deposit of $500,000 in one of Turkey's public or private banks.
  • Through the Central Bank of Turkey alone, convert the sum into Turkish Lira.
  • This deposit should be held for a duration of not less than three years.
  • The process of gaining Turkish citizenship takes no more than 90 days.

Obtaining Turkish citizenship through providing job opportunities

A factory or business that meets the following criteria can be established in Turkey as another interesting method for people who want to invest in Turkey and grow businesses there:

  • Establishing a factory or a business within Turkish territory, regardless of the company's budget.
  • Employing at least 50 Turkish nationals and registering them with social insurance.
  • The process of gaining Turkish citizenship takes no more than 90 days.

Obtaining Turkish citizenship through work permit in Turkey

Anyone with a work permit in Turkey is eligible to apply for Turkish citizenship. There are requirements that must be fulfilled, of course:

  • renewal of the work residence permit in Turkey for at least five years in a row.
  • The maximum amount of time spent outside of Turkey for the whole five-year term is six months.
  • For the period of the residence permit, the holder of the work permit must be registered in the social insurance records.
  • The process of obtaining Turkish citizenship might take anywhere between six months and two years.

Obtaining Turkish citizenship through Turkish or Ottoman assets

People may petition for Turkish citizenship if their grandparents or parents have Turkish identities, or if they hold title deeds or other documents proving ownership of Ottoman properties. Absolutely, there are some requirements that must be met:

  • Identification or confirmation of Turkish or Ottoman ancestry is necessary.
  • A lawyer must be retained to oversee the request's progress, secure it, and finalize the case.
  • The process of obtaining Turkish citizenship can take anywhere between six months and two years. 

Can family members be included in the Turkish citizenship by investment application?

In all the ways mentioned previously, all family members under the age of eighteen have the right to obtain Turkish citizenship, as well as the wife or husband of the applicant. But if the husband has two wives, he cannot grant both wives citizenship, but only one. As for the children of both wives, they are eligible to obtain Turkish citizenship after their father.

What are the types of Turkish passport?

Turkish passports are available in the following four variations:

Turkish common passport, known as the "Umumi Pasaport"

The standard Turkish passport is red in color and can be obtained by anybody having a Turkish ID. It may be readily obtained by paying the tax value and providing two personal pictures after making an appointment with the Department of Passports and Migration to extract a passport that can be valid for a maximum of 10 years. The maximum time for issuance is five to ten days.

Turkish special passport, known as the "Hususi Pasaport"

The green Turkish passport must fulfill a number of requirements in order to be obtained, and it is given to each of the following:

  • Former ministers and Turkish parliamentarians.
  • State and civil personnel.
  • Athletes, including coaches, players, and techs
  • Mayors of cities and significant regions only during their tenure of office.
  • Retiring ex-mayors.

Turkish service passport, known as the "Hizmet Pasaport"

Turkish state employees working in consulates, embassies, and other government institutions are given a gray service passport that may only be used for work-related travel, not for personal use. These individuals include:

  • Official missions with delegations from the Turkish government.
  • Personnel employed abroad by Turkish government agencies and organizations.
  • Red Crescent Society workers, including their offspring.

Turkish diplomatic passport, known as the "Diplomatik Pasaport"

The black Turkish diplomatic passport, which is issued directly by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, is a professional document for official missions and permits admission into the vast majority of countries without the need for previous visas. This passport can be obtained by:

  • Turkish government ministers and members of the Turkish parliament.
  • Chief prosecutors and court judges.
  • Former Prime Ministers, Ministers of Foreign Affairs, and Ministers of Religious Affairs.
  • Turkish admirals and generals.
  • Staff members of the Republic's Presidency.
  • Turkish state governors.

General requirements and conditions for acquiring Turkish citizenship

Regardless of the requirements that must be satisfied, primarily as we indicated before in the previous approaches, there are eight general requirements for gaining Turkish nationality. The following are the general conditions:

  • The applicant's criminal background is clear of any issues, felonies, or other offences.
  • Turkey's national security is not in any danger as a result of the applicant's being present on Turkish soil.
  • The applicant must have reached the age of legal capacity.
  • The applicant has the desire to live or make investments in Turkey.
  • The applicant must enjoy high morals and good manners in general.
  • The applicant is unaffected by any conditions that could endanger public health in Turkey.
  • The applicant should have some knowledge of Turkish, which is preferred but not required.
  • The applicant must have a regular source of income or a set wage that is sufficient to sustain the applicant and his family.

In conclusion

Damasturk Real Estate offers numerous investment opportunities in the many topics described in this article, and if you want to take advantage of them, all you have to do is click here to contact the company's most significant experts, who will provide you with thorough economic feasibility studies with a guaranteed lucrative investment, analyzed and documented by figures. Do not hesitate, contact us now.


 By: damasturk

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