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The Most Important Real Estate Terms Used in Türkiye

20/10/2023 Investment in Turkey 836 The Most Important Real Estate Terms Used in Türkiye

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 You are an investor and it is no secret to you how important it is to learn the language, terminology and important words when you enter the field of investment in a country, don’t you agree?! Or you can seek help from a company specialized in consulting that will facilitate the way for you to keep your investment safely.

Real estate investment in Turkey also requires learning the language and terminology of this field, and therefore we are here to help you understand the most important real estate terms that are used in Turkey , especially in light of the Turkish language barrier, and therefore you must be careful to enter the world of real estate investment in Turkey with an expert and companion. He is very careful about your money.

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Damas Turk Real Estate has prepared for you more than fifteen real estate terms that are frequently used among the sentences, mysteries, and mysteries of the Turkish real estate market. We will explain these terms to you, mentioning them in Turkish and Arabic, so that you can get to know them when you decide to buy an apartment in Turkey. Let us start together and remove the ambiguity . About those terms.

The most important real estate terms used in Türkiye
First: What is the drug Gayrimenkul?
Real estate is originally an Arabic word, meaning “impossible to move or immovable,” meaning it cannot be moved from one place to another, and all valuable and immovable assets are considered real estate! They should not be confused with financial assets or securities, because they do not fall within the scope of this real estate term.

There is what is called movable real estate, which is concerned with moving cars, securities, and foreign currencies. There are several other forms of this type that we will not go into much about, but you, as an investor, clearly know that the term immovable real estate is valuable assets such as lands, apartments, residential or commercial buildings, and others. .

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Second: What is the Tapu or title deed, Tapu Senedi?
The title deed or taboo is an official document showing the owner of the immovable property. This official document issued by the Land Registry Directorate is granted only to the owner of the property, and is not granted to people who have other rights over the immovable property. For example, tenants, easement rights holders, or creditors cannot Mortgage Obtaining a title deed.

In addition, if there is more than one person who is a shareholder in the property, that is, he has a share of the property, only one title deed can be granted that shows the names of all the shareholders, and sometimes it is possible to grant a separate title deed for each of the shareholders, and there are multiple types of title deed, the most prominent of which is the agricultural title deed, The residential title deed and the commercial deed.

Third: What is the full title deed Kat Mülkiyeti?
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The full title deed is the final state of the stages of development of the tabu, as this tabu determines the numbering of the property independently and in an integrated manner. This type is submitted after obtaining the housing approval obtained by the municipality. What does housing approval mean?! We will learn about it in the next stop.

The full ownership title deed is red and is specialized only for “residential or commercial title deed” and is presented to real estate owners in the following cases:
Owners of residential properties such as apartments located in complexes and prefabricated buildings.
Owners of residential properties such as independent villas or those located in ready-made complexes as well.
Apartment owners with home offices and commercial offices in their final condition.
Shop owners and even malls are fully prepared.
Fourth: What is the floor easement document?
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The floor easement bond is presented to property owners when the property is in a state under construction or exclusively on the map. This tapu is extracted when construction of projects, residential buildings, and commercial centers begins, meaning that this tapu is the state before the final state, which we mentioned previously.

The floor easement taboo is also red in color and is specialized only for “residential or commercial taboo” and is presented to real estate owners in the following cases:
Residential property owners such as apartments in complexes and buildings under construction.
Owners of residential properties such as independent villas or those located in ready-made complexes under construction.
Owners of apartments with home offices and commercial offices in their structural condition.
Owners of shops and even commercial centers when starting work on establishing them.
Fifth: What is independent real estate Bağımsız Bölüm?
Every independent section of a building or project that has been completely constructed and has reached its final state is called an independent property or section. This term indicates that the property is used separately and alone, and from there it moves to the common name, which is immovable property, and it exists only in the two cases of title deed that we mentioned. You are in advance.

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What do I benefit from this information? I benefit from looking at the title deed and seeing the information in it, as there is a box dedicated to this section that shows the number of the independent property that I want to buy later, so it is useful for me to look at, see, and scrutinize the apartments I want to own in Turkey .

Sixth: What is the housing permit İskan Ruhsati?
Housing approval is a document that is extracted exclusively from the municipality, and is undertaken by construction companies or residential building contractors. Why is it obtained? Of course, there are standards and foundations imposed by the government on construction in Turkey, such as precautions for earthquakes and disasters. When these standards are met, we obtain housing approval, and on the basis of them, what is called “full title deeds” are given.

Therefore, when buying a property in Turkey, be careful to have a housing license for the project or building, but do not insist on its presence if the project is under construction, because the municipality does not grant this except after the completion of the entire project and achieving all the required standards for that, and it guarantees that it will be The entire property or project is suitable for habitation.

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Seventh: What is the Satış Vaadi Sözleşmesi contract?
The promise to sell contract is an official contract between the buyer and the seller to sell a property. With this contract, any person may sell an immovable property through this contract, but it cannot be between any two people without the presence of a third party and guarantor, which is a notary public or what is called in Turkey a “notary.” “Who approves contracts and official papers in Turkey, even car sales are only there!

This contract contains obligations and covenants between the two parties, which may be based on the payment of certain installments to the property owner, or based on waiting for the issuance of the title deed and the completion of the entire project, and so on, but it is always preferable to obtain the title deed, which is the best and most secure. This contract certainly has its legal weight, but not As it is in the title deed or taboo.

Eighth: What is Gayrimenkul Ekspertiz real estate evaluation?
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Real estate appraisal or real estate appraisal is called that because it evaluates the value of the house and examines it from A to Z. It is based on informing both parties of the information and details related to the property from a technical and technical standpoint, age, area, and other priority matters related to the property, so it is one of the best. It ensures that you know the information about the apartment you want to buy.

Real estate appraisal experts: They are experts who have been licensed by the Capital Markets Board (CMB). The real estate appraisal report prepared by the experts is examined by other experts licensed by CMB, and they are called monitors or auditors in appraisal companies, and then they are approved if found to be the case. Appropriately, it will then be transferred to the Land Registry Directorate, and all of this is on one side, and the property will be evaluated at its true value on the other side.

Ninth: What is the total area of ​​Brüt Metrekare?
The total area of ​​any property in Turkey is concerned with the full number of meters of the property, including columns, walls, balconies, and everything that is present in the property completely, and here we also noticed that real estate projects add other things to the total area, such as what?

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A private warehouse for the property is located in the basement of the projects. It is used, for example, as a warehouse for the property’s furniture and other items.
Additional lots and meters of social facilities such as garages, swimming pools, green spaces, etc.
The entire floor plan of the property, except for elevators and emergency entrances.
As for the total area of ​​regular residential buildings, it may not include the content of the projects we mentioned previously, since residential buildings lack these services, but some of them may have a parking garage, so the total area includes a certain number of meters of it.

Tenth: What is Net Metrekare?
The net area of ​​apartments for sale in Turkey is concerned with the space that is actually used in the apartment. What does this mean? The net area does not include all the things we mentioned that we cannot physically exploit in the total area, such as columns, fillings, etc.
And here is the bottom line. Let us see, for example, an apartment in Turkey whose total area is 120 m2 and its net area is 100 m2. So the 20 m2 are the columns, walls, and a section of Utilities, garage, and... even balconies are not included in the net area, so we find that they are included in the gross area! If I, as an interested person in buying an apartment in Turkey  , should focus on the net area well.

Eleventh: What is the popular value Rayiç Bedel?
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Market value represents the current market value of buying and selling real estate in current market conditions. In order to achieve all real estate buying and selling transactions, it is necessary to know the current value. Fair value is calculated in two ways

First: Calculating property tax
Second: Calculating the tax on real estate property.
But in Turkey, this popular value is not widely accepted, and the reason is that the value is significantly lower than what is real, and some of it reaches only 20% of the real property value, so in the past few years it has become just a routine procedure and an identification document that must be issued from the municipality. It no longer has any other meaning except that the annual tax is calculated on that value, which is a positive thing because the tax on real estate is low.

Twelfth: What is earthquake insurance or DASIC Zorunlu Deprem Sigortası?
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Compulsory earthquake insurance, also known as DASK, is a type of insurance taken as a preventive measure against damage caused by an earthquake, due to the fact that Turkey is located in an earthquake zone and is always exposed to constant danger, so it is necessary to obtain earthquake insurance independent of home insurance. In accordance with the decision taken previously by the government.

This insurance covers material damage resulting from earthquakes, post-earthquake fires, explosions, tsunamis, and landslides, within the limits stipulated in the policy. Insurance fees are determined per square meter by the Natural Disaster Insurance Organization, and they are really simple fees that do not have a significant weight in relation to the value of the property at all.

Thirteenth: What is the lien on the real estate Şerh?
Seizure is the suspension of the sale of the property and its disposal based on the owner of the property or any party that may be associated with it for some reason. It is multiple and the most famous of them in recent years is the seizure of the property in order to obtain Turkish citizenship, which has become binding in order not to sell due to the condition of the relevant law . It involves purchasing a property or several properties worth $400,000.

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As for the other various forms, it is a lien by the creditor on the property owner. Some people may be forced to give up their properties due to debts or seize them without being able to dispose of them until the debts are paid. This is a common thing and exists in all countries, isn’t it?!

Fourteenth: What is Anahtar Teslim?
When purchasing or renting a place of work or residence, the complete delivery to the buyer is called handing over the key, as it is done by completing all procedures related to this place. Buyers usually request this method because they prefer not to incur the hassle of preparing, furnishing, and preoccupying themselves with the property, but rather to obtain it in the required form, quickly and ready. Perfect.

This method is mostly used when purchasing real estate on land or on a map or plan, as is common. In major projects, there is a model apartment that explains how these properties will be delivered, and all standards are included in the contracts to ensure that they are obtained in the required form, so check carefully when purchasing real estate. On the map or in cases under construction.

Fifteenth: What is an İpotek mortgage?
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This term has become popular globally and not only in Turkey, and it is placing a mortgage on the property by banks that lend to people in order to buy real estate or any other reason. Therefore, this mortgage was one of the most important things to pay attention to, because some people may buy the property with that. The situation and he may not understand anything about it!

What is the solution for that? Of course, it is the real estate evaluation that we mentioned before. This evaluation brings you everything related to the property that you want to buy, whether a mortgage, lien, debt, or a specific situation related to it, so do not neglect this topic and submit an evaluation for any property that has caught your attention and that you want. Get it.

Sixteenth: What are Aidat returns?
Real estate owners or tenants are obligated to pay these returns due for providing services to the building in which the property is located, and they differ from one place to another, and from one building or project to another, and their fame has become very popular recently due to their unprecedented rise in comparison to previous years.

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These revenues are provided to the construction manager or complex management based on the services they provide, and the services vary from one building or project to another, as in complexes they have a higher value due to the presence of many services and entertainment compared to regular buildings that only have simple services, when you turn to... Buying a property in Turkey, inquire about the value of the revenues in the complex or building, so that you will not be surprised later about the existence of a monthly amount that must be paid on a regular basis.

In conclusion
There are other real estate terms that are more than what we mentioned in our article today, but they are less important than what we have listed for you. If there is any real estate term that is ambiguous and incomprehensible to you, you can contact us in order to explain that to you and remove the ambiguity from it. Leave us the task of helping you to get it. On the best for you in Turkey.

If you are really interested in real estate investment in Turkey or want to buy real estate in Turkey , or would like to obtain Turkish citizenship through its various methods, Damas Turk Real Estate Company is your best choice to obtain the best opportunities, real estate offers and distinguished services. Contact us to receive a team ready to serve you around the clock. the hour.

Source: Amlak 360

Edit: damasturk

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