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Selling Apartments in Türkiye, Foreign Investors Guide 2023

08/02/2024 Investment in Turkey 223 Selling Apartments in Türkiye, Foreign Investors Guide 2023

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  • Selling apartments in Turkey to investors and foreigners has topped the lists over the past 10 years and still continues. Why is there so much demand for selling apartments in Turkey to foreigners? Certainly the factors that Turkey enjoys are the most attractive to them and to many real estate investors in particular, and today we will introduce you to the guide for foreign investors 2023.
  • When investing in real estate in Turkey, it is necessary to know many of the main principles that apartments in Turkey enjoy, and on the basis of this, the quality and volume of investment in them is built, especially with the fluctuations of the real estate market with each year, and what we will mention to you in this article is the latest update. As we enter this year.
  • The guide for foreign investors in Turkey is the secret to the success of their real estate investment on Turkish lands. It consists of standards that must be adhered to literally, otherwise the consequences will be undesirable, and the investment will be in vain. Damas Turk Real Estate owns this guide and presents it to its clients who wish to buy Apartments for sale in Turkey. 

The most important and latest real estate projectsApartments for sale in Istanbul

  • What important ideas will we present to you today in our article? Today we will adopt several main ideas that we must mention to you, which are starting with the types of apartments in Turkey, and then we will move on to defining the criteria that must be taken into consideration by investors to provide them with a guide that achieves The result and purpose, and then we will talk about the best investments in Turkey, and finally we will mention to you the incentives that investors get as a result of buying apartments in Turkey. Let’s discover all that and more. 

What are the types of apartments for sale in Türkiye? 

  • Before we begin to learn about the guide for foreign investors in Turkey, we must first know the types of apartments for sale in Turkey, especially since the options in Turkey are of many shapes and types, and here we are talking about two main types, which are residential apartments and investment apartments, both of which may be investment as well. Let us We begin by talking about the types of apartments for sale in Turkey and learn about the foreign investor’s guide to each of them.  

First, what are the types of residential apartments in Türkiye?

First: Residential apartments in complexes and residential real estate projects 

  • What is meant by real estate complexes and projects in general in the world is that they are a group of residential buildings, surrounded by a wall and a security system supported by technologies and security personnel dedicated to protecting the complex and its residents. The complex usually has one administration that supervises and manages it, and most residential complexes contain a group of common service facilities for all residents. Complexes.
  • Facilities generally differ between each complex and another, but in Turkey there are basic facilities that must be available in each complex, most of them such as: swimming pools, gardens, restaurants, reception halls, playgrounds, sports clubs, gardens and games for children, etc. So these residential apartments in the complexes are a new form of housing. Modern and advanced, it relies on a specific service and social structure, and the goal is to achieve security and stability.

The most important and latest real estate projectsBuying an apartment in Türkiye

Second: Residential apartments in regular, medium-rise buildings

  • Residential apartments in ordinary buildings are completely different from what is found in residential complexes. These apartments are located within buildings in ordinary neighborhoods, and are of course suitable for habitation and living, but they do not include luxury and other services such as those found in residential complexes and projects. 
  • These apartments may be new or old, meaning the age of the building may be one or two years, or it may be 30 years! Yes, there are buildings in the historical centers of Istanbul that even exceed this age, so you must choose the correct style when you decide to buy a residential apartment in Turkey. 
Guide for foreign investors in residential apartments 2023
  •  Can we invest in residential apartments? Yes we can! Investing in residential apartments is generally done through purchasing real estate and renting it for a certain period of time. During this period, we can obtain market rents, in which the average annual returns are up to 6%. After this period of approximately 5 years, we can resell them with a profit exceeding 30%. 
  • Is this valid in all Sakina apartments? Certainly not. In order to achieve these percentages, it is necessary to choose a location with an investment outlook for at least five years, for example the presence of a future metro, a commercial mall, or an international project such as the Istanbul Canal project in Bahçeşehir. 
  • Also, the presence of beautiful views from these apartments and high heights all of this enhances the added value to them, so if we are able to achieve these conditions, we will obtain an annual return of 6% on average, and then 30% when selling this property, that is, approximately 50% of the capital. Money, this is a unique and long-term investment. 

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  • This investment requires good capital exceeding $250,000, in order to choose an apartment currently under delivery and unused, in order to easily sell it in the coming years on the one hand, and in order to rent it quickly and within the current high rent numbers in the city of Istanbul. 

Secondly, what are the types of investment apartments in Türkiye?

First: Hotel apartments in complexes and investment real estate projects

  • By the term hotel apartments in Turkey, we mean apartments that are for a temporary stay for specific people during a limited, not long period, and they have a hotel system that includes pre-determined entry and exit times, and all services in them are completely hotel in terms of arranging and cleaning the rooms on a daily basis, even The accompanying services are generally the same as those found in hotels. 
  • Hotel apartments must be built to the highest luxury construction standards, and all finishes must be super deluxe, and they must be like that, because they are apartments with hotel content, otherwise there is no meaning to it, and this is what we at Damas Turk Real Estate Company have seen in most of the projects with a hotel connotation within Istanbul, would you like one? Contact us and do not hesitate. 

Second: Home office apartments in real estate projects  

The concept of home office apartments by which we mean apartments that are used for work and living at the same time, and they are also widely available in the city of Istanbul, and many merchants use them as capital during their work and when they come to Turkey for the purpose of trade and other things as well, and there are construction companies that adopt this style alone in their projects.

Third: Office apartments in Türkiye  

The most important and latest real estate projectsApartments for sale in Türkiye

The concept of office apartments or offices in Turkey by which we mean apartments that are used for work purposes only, and cannot be used for living at all, and this is what I mostly see in Istanbul projects specifically, and the reason is due to the nature of Istanbul as a business center and global meetings for merchants, capitalists, Musiads, and others. Also, there are other similar cities, such as the cities of Ankara, Izmir, and Mersin, where ports and official institutions are located.

Fourth: Apartments under construction in buildings in real estate projects  

Apartments under construction in buildings and real estate projects are included in investment apartments because they are the type in which the profit margin is high, so that purchases are made during the stages of establishing and building projects, and their prices are lower than what is in the real estate market by virtue of their condition until they are delivered, and they are abundant in the city of Istanbul. And Antalya. 

Guide for foreign investors in investment apartments 2023
  1. Firstly, investing in hotel apartments is a profitable, rewarding and high-return investment in cities in Turkey. Hotel apartments are always located within city centers such as Istanbul or in tourist places therein, hence their general name in Turkey, so they will be in great demand by tourists and visitors to the city. Its rent is significantly higher than what is found in the monthly rental market in Turkey. 
  2. Secondly, investing in home office apartments is somewhat similar to hotel apartments, as these apartments must be within city centers and in their business and trade centers, such as Istanbul, the city of business and finance, or Ankara, the city of official institutions, or Izmir and Mersin, cities of commerce and ports, or Antalya, the city. luxury.
  3. Third, investing in office apartments. This successful investment depends on purchasing real estate in central and pivotal places in Turkey’s cities, and then offering these apartments to approved institutions and centers that provide their services to citizens, and are located in major projects, on main roads, and other pivotal centers in Turkey. Such as the cities of Istanbul and others. 
  4. Fourth and finally, investing in under-construction apartments is very common in cities in Turkey, in addition to being profitable and short-term compared to residential apartments. For example, by purchasing an apartment in Istanbul under construction to be delivered within two to three years, and here we can buy it at market prices. The current prices are reduced, and then sold upon delivery of the apartments at market prices in the coming years. 

What are the criteria for choosing apartments for sale in Turkey suitable for foreign investors in 2023? 

First: Choosing central locations for apartments for sale in Türkiye  

The most important and latest real estate projectsTurkish citizenship

  • The most popular apartments for sale in Turkey are always near trade centers, exhibitions, main roads, and city centers. Therefore, care must be taken to choose a unique location that must be in line with the patterns of what is next to it, for example, an import and export office next to one of the maritime free zones! 
  • We always recommend buying investment apartments in Istanbul, why? Because it is the main center for many global exchanges at the level of all sectors, such as trade centers in Istanbul, exhibition cities in Istanbul, the business forum and the Musiad in Istanbul, all of this indicates that Istanbul is the best place to buy offices in Turkey, followed by Ankara.

Second: Choosing vital locations that facilitate apartments for sale in Türkiye  

  • Whoever wants to come to these investment apartments one day should find easy access, don't you agree? What does that mean? This means that choosing completely vital places in terms of ease of access by rapid transportation comes first, and then public transportation comes second, and do not choose commercial locations and offices that are far away and must be reached by car only!
  • We always focus on remembering that investment apartments of all types in Turkey must be on the main roads, because they are the most suitable and preferred, or apartments for sale in Turkey that are close to the metro or metrobus in Istanbul, for example! Therefore, care must be taken to seize vital sites that all people can access easily and quickly. 

Third: Choosing the space that suits the apartments for sale in Türkiye 

  • Space is a very important matter that many investors who buy investment apartments in Turkey overlook, because they consider it a formal or secondary matter, and we always say that it is a priority, just like choosing the location that we mentioned above, so care must always be taken when buying apartments for sale in Turkey based on the purpose of the property. Purchase if it is a project or apartments for yourselves. 

The most important and latest real estate projectsVillas for sale in Türkiye

  • If you do not have apartments for personal choice, you should not neglect them either! Because whoever wants to rent them also seeks to obtain the ideal space suitable for comfortable housing, especially when choosing vital places. You must choose spaces that are proportional to the content of the area or place in which It was purchased. 

Fourth: Choosing apartments for sale in Türkiye within projects established by major construction companies

  • There are construction companies that offer you economic feasibility that extends for certain years in order for you to obtain lucrative investment returns. Most of them are based in city centers such as the city of Istanbul, specifically in the famous Basin Express area. This area contains many projects that provide annual returns within official contracts that may reach 10 percent annually.
  • Major construction companies have a reputation that is unlike any other, so we always advise choosing those projects in particular in order to obtain distinctive apartments for sale in Turkey, distinguished by the meaning of obtaining profitable and sustainable investment returns for many years, and this is what foreign investors most demand when Searching for apartments for sale in Turkey. 

Fifth: Documents and legal papers related to apartments for sale in Türkiye

  • First, make sure that the legal papers related to investment properties are correct, the most important of which is the title deed, which includes a special box in which the type and use of these investment apartments is clearly recorded. Are they suitable for investment, Home Office, commercial offices, and so on? Therefore, be sure to understand what is related to the papers. Concerning investment real estate from A to Z. 
  • Another point you may encounter when purchasing investment apartments is the available licenses and taxes incurred upon purchase. There are licenses related to investing in hotel apartments, for example, that are difficult to obtain, and that depend on the hotel system and daily rental, which is not easy to obtain in cities such as Istanbul and others. 

The most important and latest real estate projectsReal estate for sale in Türkiye

  • Here what do you need then? Certainly a partner specialized in providing correct consultations in Turkey, which must exist because of the obstacle between you and Turkish institutions, which is language, on the one hand, and on the other hand, lack of experience in light of your ignorance of Turkish laws and customs regarding shops and offices, and this brings us to the last criterion. What is important is the presence of a real estate advisor. 

Sixth: An expert real estate advisor creates a safe, profitable and abundant investment 

  • Turkey is a large country and full of laws and customs that you do not know. Therefore, during your trip to buy apartments for sale in Turkey, you need an expert real estate consultant. Why? Because the real estate consultant’s job is focused on providing what we will mention to you next, which, by the way, is what we, Damas Turk Real Estate, provide to you in terms of services accompanying the purchase process. Let us introduce you to that: 

- The legal cover that protects you during the journey of buying investment apartments in Türkiye.

- Providing the right advice based on the budget, while choosing the best area.

- Study prices and seek discounted prices.

- Study the condition of the property and research its history, past, and even its future!

The most important and latest real estate projectsHouse prices in Türkiye

- Facilitating the purchasing process in light of the many expertise and experiences.

  • Damas Turk Real Estate has a long history in the Turkish state, specifically in Istanbul and Antalya, so be confident when you choose us on your journey. When purchasing, you will feel the experiences and great approval that we have witnessed over the years from dear customers. Let us now come and continue our article and talk about the best Forms of investment in Turkey suitable for foreign investors.  

What is the best real estate investment for foreign investors in Türkiye 2023?

  • There are definitely types and forms of real estate investment in Turkey, and there are many differences and similarities between them. We will learn about them in detail in the following paragraphs. What we have to do is mention them in the article with the pros and cons of each of them. As for the choice, it is yours in principle, and then consultation is done with Field team at Damas Turk Real Estate, let's learn about the first types of real estate investment in Turkey. 

First: Commercial real estate investment in Türkiye 2023

  • This investment is concerned with immovable real estate that cannot be used for housing, but rather to create offices and shops, for example. Everything that is commercially licensed on the title deed “Tabu” is definitely included with commercial real estate, and there are approved projects that offer this type of real estate only as well. What are the pros and cons? Commercial real estate investing?

What are the advantages of commercial real estate investment in Türkiye 2023?

The most important and latest real estate projectsApartment prices in Istanbul

  • Firstly, investment returns compared to residential real estate are high, perhaps exceeding 3%.
  • Secondly, lease contracts are long-term, up to 10 years.
  • Third, the commercial property owner is not obligated to pay any tax related to the property in the presence of a commercial tenant.
  • Fourthly, the segment of tenants is financially affluent and there are no problems in paying rent on a monthly basis.
  • Fifthly, the ease of reselling commercial real estate in light of its distinctive investment returns.
  • Sixth, commercial investment returns range from 7 to 9% annually, without an increase in the value of the original property.
  • Seventh, there is an annual increase in real estate in general in Turkey by more than 6% on average.

What are the negatives of commercial real estate investment in Türkiye 2023?

  • Firstly, there are some difficulties in finding long-term tenants in light of the high rents. 
  • Secondly, there are some difficulties in extracting tenants from commercial properties. 
  • Third, commercial real estate investment requires higher capital than residential real estate investment and its cost is greater.

Second: Residential real estate investment in Türkiye 2023

  • This investment is concerned with immovable real estate that can be used for housing and not to create offices and shops, such as residential apartments or independent villas for housing as well, that is, everything that is residentially licensed on the title deed “Tabu” is certainly included with residential real estate. What are the pros and cons of real estate investment? Residential in Turkey? 

What are the advantages of residential real estate investment in Türkiye 2023?

  • Firstly, it is easy to find tenants for residential properties with high rents as well.
  • Secondly, the ease of reselling residential properties.
  • Third, commercial investment returns range between 6 to 8% annually, without an increase in the value of the original property.
  • Fourth, there is an annual increase in real estate in Turkey by more than 6% on average.
  • Fifthly, the costs of purchasing residential real estate are much lower than other types of real estate. 
  • Sixthly, the ease of extracting tenants, unlike commercial real estate. 

The most important and latest real estate projectsApartment prices in Türkiye

What are the disadvantages of residential real estate investment in Türkiye 2023?

  • Firstly, there are some difficulties in finding good tenants in terms of maintaining the property as required. 
  • Secondly, investment returns compared to investing in commercial real estate are rather low. 

Third: Industrial real estate investment in Türkiye 2023

  • This investment is concerned with immovable real estate that can be used for factories and laboratories, such as buying land and building factories on it and then selling it to some major companies that need large areas of large real estate. Here we note that the Turkish government has issued some incentives to encourage industrial investment in general in Turkey, Such as tax exemption and others. 
  • These properties are usually licensed with either a blue taboo (land of all kinds), or a red taboo (land title) under commercial real estate, for example, oil stations, rest stops on highways, etc., and even major factories. These are huge and certainly rewarding investments, but they have numbers that require capital. big.

Fourth: Real estate investment in real estate renovation in Türkiye 2023

The most important and latest real estate projectsReal estate prices in Türkiye

  • Investing in real estate renovation is one of the investments that brings distinctive investment returns for a short period. For example, buying a property in Turkey that is in a somewhat bad condition and needs maintenance, decoration, and furnishing again. The investor renovates this property from scratch until the last finishing touch.
  • After that, the investor sells the property, and here the value of the expenses is usually added with a percentage that may reach 25% of the property price, in addition to the market value of the property. This is one of the investments that requires careful follow-up and research for opportunities and entry into the depth of the Turkish real estate market. Contact us to invest. You get more than one property this way.  
  • As for investing in real estate development, it is another world from the world of real estate investment in Turkey, and it requires large capital and deep experience in the Turkish real estate market. This investment, for example, is made in purchasing lands and constructing villas on them, or purchasing lands in vital areas and constructing residential buildings in them.
  • In fact, this investment is very profitable, but it requires great precision, care, follow-up, and great experience from the people of the Turkish construction market. Choosing the site, creating the projects, and then selling them certainly requires a staff or construction company whose specialty is this particular investment. We tell you this if you read this investment and you are able. Therefore, you have come to the right place with Damas Turk Real Estate. Contact now and win the opportunity. 

What are the incentives for foreign investors in Türkiye 2023 on a personal level?

First: Obtaining Turkish citizenship in exchange for purchasing a property

  • Real estate investment for foreigners in Turkey has peaked in the past three years. Why? Certainly because of the law on obtaining Turkish citizenship by purchasing a property worth $400,000, which was issued at the end of the year 2018, and which was previously worth $250,000, this decision led to most of those who love Turkey and live there directly rushing to buy a property in Turkey and obtain its citizenship. 

The most important and latest real estate projectsInvesting in Türkiye

  • The conditions that any foreign investor must not violate when investing in real estate are: 
  • First, the value of real estate in Turkey for foreigners must not exceed an area of ​​30 hectares in most cities in Turkey.
  • Secondly, you must verify the cities that grant foreigners the right to own property. There is an area in which ownership is prohibited (military and other). 
  • These conditions that we mentioned are set by the Turkish government, but what we will mention later are conditions that must be taken into consideration in order to protect your real estate investment and preserve its value, which are:

- There must be a consultant or real estate company that guarantees you access to the property in a safe manner, reduces fraud and...

- Searching the property’s record and history to ensure that it is free of foreclosure, seizure, etc.

Choosing the property in the right place ensures that it maintains its value and increases its price, and this requires a real estate expert.

The most important and latest real estate projectsVillas for sale in Istanbul

- General matters that must be considered regarding the property’s finishes, building age, and... 

  • Certainly, choosing a reliable company with a good reputation is the right choice to obtain a successful real estate investment in Turkey. Damas Turk Real Estate is an agent for more than 300 points and projects in Turkey, projects that have been carefully and carefully selected to be a successful future investment that we offer to our dear clients in Turkey, and to expand further on this incentive. Important for foreign investors, you can follow our detailed article entitled How to obtain Turkish citizenship, its advantages, and the power of the Turkish passport 2023.

Second: Obtaining real estate residency in Türkiye

  • Real estate residency is a right granted to every foreigner who buys a property in Turkey, based on the minimum value of the property, which is currently set at $75,000 in major cities, and $50,000 in smaller cities. This residency allows its holder to move around and conduct his business in Turkish territory legally. It means a regular permit granted for its holder to reside in Turkey in a safe and sound manner.
  • As for the conditions that any foreign investor must not violate when investing in real estate to obtain real estate residency:
  1. Firstly, the property that was purchased in exchange for residence is valid for residential purposes only!
  2. Secondly, the value of the property must be at least $75,000.
  3. Thirdly, only one property of that value entitles its owner to obtain residency only! 
  4. Fourth, there is a real estate evaluation that proves the value of the property matches the required value 
  5. Fifth: Buying real estate in the cities and areas available there.
  • In conclusion, our article had the largest share of talking about foreign investors in Turkey and how the rules must be observed in order to obtain the best investment. We also talked about the types of apartments through which we can determine the best type of investment, with the pros and cons, and do not forget the important incentives that are considered a gateway to you. To get the best you aspire to in life. 
  • Damas Turk Real Estate Company offers you many projects suitable for obtaining Turkish citizenship and real estate residency. We take you through professional real estate tours to find your favorite property. We also guarantee you a safe sales process through lawyers specialized in this matter, and we will be with you in that until you obtain your identity and passport. Al-Turki, in addition to our distinguished after-sales services.


Edited by Damas Turk Real Estate©

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