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Benefits of Moving to Turkey

14/01/2022 Daily living in Turkey 553 Benefits of Moving to Turkey

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Turkey has a bustling expat community that is scattered along the Mediterranean Sea and Aegean Sea. Since there are people of all nationalities living within the country’s multicultural fold, one can see how easy it is to plan a life here.

If you want to Buy a Flat in Istanbul or anywhere else in the country, then you would be happy to know that it will be one of the best decisions of your life. This article will tell you why.

The sun will do you good

Did you know that most cities in Turkey receive copious amounts of sunlight for at least 250 days a year? Even in cooler months, the temperatures never go beyond 25 degrees! Imagine spending your summers swimming in its vast oceans and enjoying plenty of other recreational activities that will improve the quality of your life, not to mention the wide availability of vitamin D that your body gets from sun exposure.

Get all the benefits of Mediterranean Diet

Most dieticians swear by the effectiveness of Mediterranean diet in improving your overall health. It is mostly made up of poultry, olive oil, vegetables, and grains. All these food groups are helpful in maintaining healthy body weight, reduces the risk of depression, and also keeps your sugar glucose levels in check. You can also buy fresh produce from the weekly markets that sell high quality fruits and vegetables that will work wonders on your wellbeing.

Low cost of living

As has been mentioned already, the food quality is not only good but also easy on the wallet as you are buying directly from the farmers. Additionally, the other utilities such as electricity and water are also incredibly cheap. As an expat, you can benefit from a healthy exchange rate that makes your general cost of living way cheaper than other European countries. While the standards of living vary from country to country, it is safe to say that living in Turkey is relatively cheap.

Turks have a welcoming culture

Since Turks are known for their hospitality, it is very easy to socialize with the locals and build a community of friends in no time. Don't be surprised if you are inundated with dinner invites and it is only a matter of time when they will become your close friends. However, do note that as a community, Turks are very honest and may not hesitate to tell you upfront that your waistline has increased. Don't take offence in their straightforwardness, it just who they are!

Life is slow and relaxing

Unlike other western countries where life is increasingly fast-paced, even in cities like Istanbul you will notice that the things are relatively slow. They don't stress over things and analyse situations before acting on it.


These are some of the reasons why living in Turkey will change your life for the best. Don't hesitate to give it a shot if you are looking for a different experience.

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